Monday, September 03, 2007

Sutton Bonington Show 2007

What a show......there must have been a record number of people who visited yesterday and they had plenty to see as far as the horticultural marquee was concerned. We had nearly 800 entries and there appeared to be many new entrants which is always encouraging. In view of the weather we've had this summer the standard was fantastic and I had my work cut out to retain the Society Cup for most points in show for the 7th successive year.

I seemed to spend yesterday in the role of 'vegetable guru' answering questions from gobsmacked people wishing they could grow veg like mine. But I always try to get across to them that anyone can do it with a bit of willpower and the right strain of seed of course. One of the best growers in the country is a busy housewife from Essex who also runs a guesthouse called Sherie Plumb. If she can do it anyone can.

This is one competitive hobby I've come across where your competitors are always willing to pass on their tips so that you can beat them, a rare thing indeed in this day and age. And after helping a fellow competior with advice on Saturday about the display of his veg in the Top Tray class he promptly beat me to first place which in many ways was just as satisfying as winning it myself!

More pics in the next few days.

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