Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Seagrave 2007

Despite putting some of my best veg here I only came away with six '1sts' and failed to win the trophy for most points in show, that honour falling once again to Mick Mills. The fact that I put such good stuff in and didn't win as much as usual meant that the quality far exceeded previous years which makes any win far more satisfying. Growers come from quite far afield for this show, despite it being quite a small affair, simply because of its friendly atmosphere.

I've been drafted onto the orgaising team this year and suggested that the carrot, parsnip and leek classes were reduced to 2 per class....a decision that paid off as there were more entries than usual. It's easier to match up 2 of a kind than it is to find 3 (obviously!).

I only came second in the 'Men only' Victoria Sandwich class, losing out this year to the show's charismatic auctioneer Rod Bint. It was my 4th attempt at making one....the first two burnt and I knocked the 3rd onto the floor on the morning of the show meaning I had to make one quickly before I left the house. I've duly challenged Rod to a re-match at this weekend's Sileby Show.

My dahlias were a mixed bunch. My Jomanda had slightly gone past their best and my Emma's Coronet needed another day or two so for once I ended up with no cards for dahlias......but we had a glut of top quality dahlias this year so it was no surprise. All-in-all it was the best Seagrave Show for some years and we raised over £1200 for local charities.

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