Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Littleover 2007

I was only able to muster up 12 entries for Littleover this year but still managed to walk away with a couple of trophies for the 1 flower/1 veg class and the Top Tray. My Grange Collection was not a patch on my winning entry last year and I only managed a 3rd place.

My cherished 'marigold in a marigold' in the 'Plant in an unusual container' class came 2nd to universal disagreement apparently, beaten by a leek in a welly! Ah well, at least it made everyone laugh!

The dahlias here were of a superb standard and Paul Harvey's blooms were up to his usual high standard, but he'll have Kevin Broxholme challenging him in the years to come I think. And Leesa managed to get a couple of '1sts' also.....one for her fruit cake and one in the photography classes where she also picked up 3 other prize cards.

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