Wednesday, August 29, 2007

She's a star!

Today is mine and Leesa's 20th wedding anniversary. Quite how she's put up with me for all these years is anyone's guess but I'm glad she has because she comes in very useful when it comes to the more artistic classes such as 'a basket of vegetables arranged for effect'. 'We' won this class at Leicester Show with a small basket of red and purple vegetables such as tomatoes, purple carrots, red onions, purple cauli, peppers, chard, beetroot, purple beans etc. Other exhibits were huge baskets of large veg and I didn't think we stood a chance but it just shows you never know....the judge was obviously impressed with Leesa'a artistic arrangement.'s to another 20 years of running around like mad people in the days leading up to each show!

Happy anniversary


1 comment:

  1. Simon and Leesa
    Happy Anniversary to you both and congratulations on winning with the basket of veg at the show.

