Wednesday, August 29, 2007

My Moorgreen exhibits.

As I've said not much to show for my efforts at Moorgreen but the competition was at a much higher level than anything I've come up against before. I'm not a million miles away however and was very pleased to get a 3rd in tomatoes out of 20 entries.

The leeks I put in were superb....far and away better than anything else I've exhibited before but I didn't even manage a place, that's how good the 1st, 2nd and 3rd placed exhibits were. At both Hathern and Leicester leeks got 'best in show' but neither set was as good as mine were. Ho hum!

My onions looked quite good on their stands but could have done with another week's ripening. I came 2nd with a set of 5 onions at Leicester and reckon if they had been a bit riper also I'd have won the class, but even so 2nd is the best I've ever done with onions before.

1 comment:

  1. Wow!
    I just love the piccies.
    Congrats on your wins and I just love the blog and updates

