Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Potato Amour

Finally, finally, finally.......I managed to get a couple of rows of my final potato variety in last night. The variety is Amour which I grew for the first time last year and was most impressed by it's form and colour. Sadly however, it's no longer commercially available so this will be the last year you can buy it officially....so I'll have to save a few tubers from this year's crop and hope they stay virus free.

The only problem I experienced with it last year is that the foliage seemed to stay strong for ages.......well into September........so I would have like to have got it in at least 2 weeks ago. However, the condition of the seed tubers of my other varieties dictated that they had to be planted first....the Amour looked as fresh as the day I bought them back in March.

As you can see from the pic they are a rounded shape, white fleshed with pink splashes around the eyes. They were incredibly easy to clean up also.

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