Tuesday, June 12, 2007

First rooted dahlias

Last weekend I managed to get some rooted dahlia cuttings potted on at last. The pic shows me giving them a tug to make sure they had rooted, but there were also quite a few roots coming out of the bottom of the pots. I like to pot them on even if they're only in the pot for a week or so before planting out, as I like the plants to make a good root system before I plant them in the soil.

When I plant them out I'll probably nip the tops out to make them branch, and put a stake against each plant. Further stakes will be put all the way around the bed and a series of strings wound round so that there are plenty of supports for when the plants get big. They topple over quite easily and any flowering stems can break or end up as funny shapes......you need straight, stout stems for exhibition purposes.

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