Thursday, October 04, 2012

Malvern 2012 Part 5

After last year's National at Llangollen I had a cretin-attack and stupidly announced that I intended to put up a large collection at Malvern. Once I looked into the logistics of doing this I quickly came to the conclusion that I just couldn't be f*cking arsed. The amount of metalwork, woodwork, cloth and support stands that I would have needed to take with me would have required the hiring of a van. The sheer effort, expense and time involved in putting up a collection of 6 wasn't viable to me so I quickly abandoned any ambition to do a collection in the future. Fair play to the 5 that did, with Midland Branch Chairman John Branham coming out on top in 'Class 1' this year.

The 5 Branches each put up a display of vegetables where imaginations could run riot. A few years ago these displays were very much like Class 1 except that the 'dishes' of vegetables were donated by several members from that branch. Consequently it looked like two pretty identical classes and the public were confused so an idea for a less fussy, more floral display was put forward and the stands are certainly well liked by the public. I struggled to get photos because of the volume of people admiring them. Winners this year were Midland Branch.....

......but I did like Scottish Branch's display which came 3rd. Being half-Scottish myself (the scottish bits being my hairy back, arse and short stumpy legs) I donated some of my mouse melons to their cause and I think it was probably these that got them elevated up from fourth! I await my share of the prize money!

They say that it's not the winners that make a successful championships but the people who don't win and yet still compete and have a go. If that is true then the success of this year's National Championships is entirely down to me! When I staged my french beans 'Prince' I was hopeful of a ticket but alas this was not to be, although my new lover Marcus Powell did manage a superb 3rd. I was struggling to keep them fresh for Malvern having just missed having them ready for Harrogate so I shall make sure I sow them a week earlier for next year's National at Harrogate when I feel sure I am bound to win. Andrew Jones took the honours at Malvern adding to his win in the parsnip class.

That's just about it now as far as Malvern 2012 goes and I'll leave you with some photos from Mo Robinson's camera. Since she called me a twat across a crowded car par on Saturday morning I feel no shame in nicking her photos. Now i'm turning my attention to the Westminster Show next Tuesday morning. I've entered a whole rook of classes as usual but I already know several won't make it, my cherry tomatoes in particular as Oscar has bloody eaten them all! If you're in the Gainsborough/Lincoln area this Saturday then get along to Sturton-by-Stow's 125th annual show. It's always a good afternoon out and i'm only sorry I'm unable to attend again myself this year. Meanwhile, an interesting university study has shown that 100% of car crashes are a woman's fault. 55% of the time she's driving and the other 45% of the time she's walking down the street dressed provocatively.


  1. We wuz robbed. Seriously though, we were down pointed on condition which was a bit of a joke but probably because your mouse melons were a month old. Joke matey. Between them and our tiny cauliflower, it shows size isn't everything despite what Leesa says about your shortcomings. The public absolutely loved them. We should maybe have stuck our celery which was there to look like celery and not like an entry at the Nationals in a jar of water as that may well have saved it from collapsing but otherwise we were well pleased with our effort and felt we were well beaten into second place. Yes we did get third but if the judges can't tell the difference between condition and quality then we will claim the moral high ground. It was never supposed to be about show quality veg. It was a display of vegetables for effect and we certainly ticked all the boxes. It was bleeding stressful I can tell you. Not knowing if veg promised would materialise and not knowing what we would be staging on to start with taxed the imagination. Having said that, it was fun. Midland Branch fed us coffee and home bakes while setting up and the way to my heart is via my stomach. Jean will confirm.

  2. Simon, where is a photo of the trug, i have been hearing about

  3. I'm waiting for Leesa to download it!!!

  4. ........because he is technically inept!
