Wednesday, June 06, 2012

Evening Star

Venus passed across the sun last night and apparently that won't happen for another 100 years. Damn! Wish I'd gotten out of my warm bed early instead of having to see the footage on the news instead!

All my celery 'Evening Star' (I don't just throw this fucking blog together you know!) have now been planted and encased with a very loose 10" dpc collar to draw the plant upwards.

I've got 30 plants set up and i'm growing them in these 12" bottomless pots that i've pushed into the surrounding soil. I've never seen anyone else growing them thus, but I hit on the idea last season and found it a very effective way of directing water straight at the roots. I threw what I thought was a ridiculous amount of H2O at them but still found the soil to be surprisingly dry when digging them up. It showed me that you can never give celery too much water as they are a bog plant in the wild. And I made sure I scattered a few slug pellets around each plant....already they are all surrounded by the rotting, snotty carcases of several slugs and snails that would have rendered my plants useless at such an early stage in their growth.


  1. How are you holding the collar together? And what is it made of? In the new world we don't know much about these things. Although we know quite a bit about other things.

  2. Its damp proof course used in the construction trade here in Great Britain, founders of the 'new world'. I just staple the cut pieces together. A cane and the actual plant itself holds it in place!

    As the plant grows i'll put a bigger collar in place made from rolled up cardboard.

  3. Simon I have seen mentioned here and there collars up to 18 inches. Do you keep extending the collar beyond that or is there a certain uniform length that show growers want to achieve?
