Sunday, June 03, 2012

Doubling up?

If you pop over on Dan's site he's been unlucky enough to have several of his large onions go double through stress bought on by the now long-forgotten heatwave, thus severely hampering his preparation for the yearly BBC (Bullshit Bloggers Championship) at Harrogate.

After repairing my severely split sides and wringing my pants out of piss, I thought I'd best check my own onions and as far as I can tell everything is ticketybooboo thus far. Each new shoot is emerging from the centre of the next two youngest leaves, rather than from elsewhere indicating that you are going to have a double-necker.

Onions don't need large amounts of water in theory, but I have been watering every day during the recent hot spell, especially as they are growing in pots and hopefully i've successfully steered through it and won't suffer a similar fate as Dan. This is a typical example....

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