Sunday, April 29, 2012

Noah more rain please!

This weekend has been a most frustrating one as i've taken to doing what I can outside in between running back indoors to escape torrential rain. There is standing water on large areas of the garden but as nothing is planted apart from shallots in raised beds no damage is currently being done.

One task I managed to do in the dry of the greenhouse was to make sure all the onions were straightened by gently pushing them sideways and packing compost under them and by ensuring the foliage was tied up to the supporting canes to encourage upward growth to keep them erect. They all have at least 9 leaves and are swelling nicely although they could now do with some sun. A spray with Maxicrop a few days ago seems to have greened them up after I'd noticed a few yellow tips. Northern onion Goddess Dan advised a nutrient imbalance and that a nitrogen blast might be in order. He sure knows his onions, which certainly require a finer balancing act in terms of what to give when than most other vegetables.

The long carrots in the pipes in the greenhouse have started to germinate, but I have been forced to put panes of glass over the outdoor carrot frames, as water was collecting on the enviromesh then dropping as large drips onto the surface of the compost in the bore holes. I was concerned the seed might be disturbed or the small seedlings damaged.


  1. Hi,
    I'm just getting into growing for showing and I was wondering what you thought about the spud variety Blue Moon ?
    I heard that it's a good type, keeps it's condition,and continues to perform well until the end of the season unlike some of the Red varieties.
    Any thoughts ?
