Saturday, April 14, 2012

Different points of view

Anyone who has had daughters will realise that something truly awful happens to them once they reach 13. They may look angelic, but in truth they become absolute swampmonsters when it comes to keeping their rooms clean. My three in particular have dredged the depths of human penicillin farming. We once had a shortage of cups and glasses in the house before a party and I kid you not, but 29 receptacles of various sizes miraculously appeared from my youngest's room alone! They were not just in the obvious places such as the windowsill or under the bed....there were several hidden away in drawers!

For these reasons I have not ventured into their slums at the back of our house for several years, but for the past few days Leesa has been fumigating and redecorating our youngest's (Rebecca....or as we prefer to call her, our favourite) and today I had to venture in to perform a bit of manly decorating that she couldn't manage.

The result was I saw a view from the top of the garden that I had all but forgotten about! It will probably be some years before I see it again!


  1. Thank goodness they take their looks from their mother :)

  2. whats the trampoline for so you can harvest your Parsnips ?

  3. you must have a good looking milk man

  4. I really admire you Simon.
    You are a breath of fresh air to one and all.
