Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Clippety doo dah

Got my second package of seed today from Medwyn's, including a packet of Vento onions for the under 250g class which I sowed immediately. I usually wait until the end of the month or even early February before sowing my 250g onions but as I want them for the end of August I've sown a batch now. I plan to grow these a different way this year, in large pots in the greenhouse. More on this in the next few months.

I also received these spring-steel clips from Medwyns. At the Scottish Branch NVS seminar it became apparent to me that these are a must for growing exhibition peas. I find it difficult to get 8' canes in my neck of the woods, let alone 10' ones. As you lose 8-10" of the cane in the ground this gives you barely 7' of vertical height which may not be enough.

By using a wire stretched between two stout posts the canes can be secured to the wire with these clips, meaning the cane only needs to be into the soil an inch or two to keep it in position at ground level. Once in position the canes don't budge a millimetre and it is certainly going to be a lot quicker and also less fiddly than messing about with bits of string. I can almost hear those Scottish pea growers screaming into their sporrans!


  1. Simon Its not crying into the sporrans - it`s laughing at an eccentric rich Englishman. I an trying to work out what the cost of 280 of these from Medwyn would be for me - against a roll of wire at £2.45 from Screwfix cut in to lengths and the canes fastened with it (oops found his catalogue and the cost for 280 would be £60 PS My canes sit on top of the ground once they are tied in( yet another little secret slipping out!!)

  2. Couldn't you just wrap the wire around the cane?
    Looks a good idea though to save time and hassle

  3. got these myself a while back and they save you a lot of time

  4. Thankyou Billy.......looks like i'm not so daft!

  5. I'm sure they'll save time, best of luck with your peas!
