Monday, November 22, 2010

A grand day out!

Never has man travelled 600 miles in one day and had so much fun before. I know I keep banging on about the NVS but if you're remotely interested in growing veg to show you have to join and throw yourself into their activities. And so it was that Saturday morning found me getting up at 4am and travelling up to the Pentland Science Park just outside Edinburgh to listen to Sherie Plumb give an excellent lecture on how she grows her spuds to almost undeatable standard.

The Scottish Branch of the NVS hold this annual seminar and what an event it is. I came away with a bag full of goodies that you won't be able to find at your garden centres and which I hope will help me in my quest to get a ticket at next year's National.

I made copious notes on Sherie's lecture and the best tips I shall be divulging during 2011. However, I shall be leaving others to try and topple Mrs. Plumb because the main purpose of my visit was to try and glean as much information as I could about growing peas to exhibition standard.

Whilst exhibiting at Westminster Charlie Maisey took me to one side and advised me to concentrate on 4 or 5 veg to try and grow to the highest standard possible. I don't necessarily agree with it as there are certain growers who can just about turn their hand to everything but I know what he means. Why try growing everything reasonably well when you grow a few things exceptionally well? With this in mind I've decided to try and grow peas with a view to getting a set of 12 on the bench at Llangollen in 2011 and will be devoting an obscene amount of effort to them next season.

And this is what I have to beat. Here is Ian Stocks winning set from Dundee this year. As you can see I don't have much to beat as the 4th one from the left is virtually yellow and the two on the far right aren't even peas!!!

I'm joking of course. Speaker Ian Simpson (National Champion twice) felt this set deserved to be considered for best in show but most judges do tend to go for the the big 'show stoppers' such as leeks, onions and parsnips when considering where to award the gong for best veg.

When I informed Dave Thornton today of my ambition to bench a set of peas at Llangollen he said "only poofs grow peas". Having met Mr Stocks at the weekend he is built like a brick shithouse so i'm immensely looking forward to seeing Dave's neck get stretched next August.

Peas are '20 pointers' along with long carrots, parsnips, leeks, onions, caulis and potatoes which reflects how difficult it is to grow them, especially as mildew is a real problem and makes it very difficult to grow them here in England beyond early August. But I have a few tricks up my sleeve thanks to the seminar and my new friends in the north!


  1. hope you do well and will watch in interest and for tips good luck

  2. Best of luck with the peas next year. I've been thinking about joining the NVS but am a complete novice with only my local village show over the last couple of years. Should I join now or try and get to a higher standard on my own first?

  3. Damo.....join as soon as you can you won't regret it. The quarterly magazine alone is worth the money and the NVS website and forum are excellent sources of information.

    If you have any questions that you need answering don't hesitate to ask.

  4. It is a damn shame that I missed the seminar but there is always next year.

    I am sure you are now full of knowledge Smithy after a single trip north of the border.

    I think you should spill the beans now and tell us every last little detail of what you learned.

  5. Iain....I shall be disseminating the relevant spud and pea tips as and when I get to the corrrect point in time.

    In the meantime you've been remarkably quiet about the Man U/Rangers match???

  6. Will do thanks very much, off to get my membership sorted.
