Monday, October 18, 2010

Statement of intent

I've identified 17 classes that I HOPE to enter in next year's National. As it's held quite early next season, at the end of August it means I'll have to hit the ground running with my preparation during the Winter. I cannot leave jobs till the Spring as I'll need everything in place before seed sowing starts. More on this during the long Winter months

I timed my tomatoes with Malvern in mind this year, which is some 4 weeks later. If I want to have a quality set of 12 for Llangollen i'll need to make an earlier sowing in mid-February at the latest. I only have a small 8'x6' greenhouse where I grow 14 plants only in total, and picking a matching set of 6 is bad enough, but to pick 12 from half the plants will be a tall order. I shall time the other half of the plants for Malvern and Westminster as this year.

Here is Trevor Last's winning set from this year's National at Dundee.

Another class I want have a go at is long beet and I shall be setting a few drums aside for this purpose. I've been thinking that the long beet at the big shows this season don't seem to be as long as I've seen them in the past, so I'm hoping if I can get a reasonably well-matched set it won't look out of place. I need to get some seed of Long Black from Medwyn's if I can, unless some kind Scottish growers can point me in the right direction?

Meanwhile, tonight i've been receiving some texts from Paul Bastow who has been on a visit to JBA potatoes today and is now on a piss-up in Glasgow apparently. I don't know how much he's had to drink but he reckons he's going to beat me at Harrogate next year. Quite frankly, in the unlikely event that happens I'll expose my one-eyed, yoghurt-spitting trouser snake in Tesco's (freezer department - for Health & Safety purposes).


  1. hi simon, not been in touch with you for a while owing to dealing with mental health issues and giving advice. any how i would like to say how well you have done this growing season by trying to keep up with your reports.I had some bad news a few weeks ago from another gardener who told me that the local council does not support the shows any more, and because of that there is quite a few people who are very upset. It seems now that we will have to go further afield to enter shows. Any how i have started to plan for next year starting with tomatoes(goldstar) have you grown them.I have also got my onion seed and may i also say that i have onion seed of my own from this years growth would you like some? I have also took your advice on the type of carrot seed and have got red intermediate and waiting for the sweet candle to arrive. just to let you know ,i was given aout 25lbs of soot so i would like your advice on how to use it for watering or what ever.I will close now and once again well done for what you have accomplished this year. geoff

  2. Geoff,
    Sorry to hear about your problems. Hope they all work out ok.

    I have grown Goldstar before and of course it was the top tom for many years, winning the National for Charlie Maisey many times. Its one fault was thin skins meaning it didn't last long. You always had to take spares to shows in case one of your selection split during transit. Cedrico is a vine ripe type and much more robust. It's said to have tough skins but none of my friends or family have ever said that to me (i give them away.......i don't like tomatoes!) and in fact they say the taste reminds them how tomatoes used to taste years ago.

    As for soot......i didn't know what to do with it this season so it was pot luck. I just put some in a bucket of water and gave it a good stir. It produced a real gloopy black liquid. I put a dash of this in the watering can and watered in from mid August onwards, alternating with Tomorite.

    Lots of shows are going sadly because of funding issues and also because of a lack of people to run them. Having said that I know of a few local shows my way that appear to go from strength to strengh.

  3. Time you got a bigger greenhouse. I now have over 70 feet by 15 feet of under cover growing space it wiil be a strugle to fill it.

    where can I get the list of classes for Harrogate? I need to start prepairing now as I like a challenge and intend to have a serious attempt at beating you.

  4. More isn't necessarily better! You need to work out what you can successfully manage. 14 plants is ample for me and with good plant management I cover all my shows.

    As for Harrogate look on the Nvs website at the report on the Northern Championships you can see a list of classes with photos to show what you have to beat. There are also parallel classes on the Northern Horticultural side. Contact them via their search Harrogate Autumn Show.

  5. Smithy I let Paul pick out your seed potatoes for next season. He managed to find you a very nice scabby sample with double growths and a touch of blight. He then had a quick kick about with them on the floor before he left. Apart from that they are top quality.

  6. That's ok mate. The shallots I gave him had all been stuffed up my arse first!

  7. Did you talk to the shallots while they were up your arse ??
