Friday, October 01, 2010

Show no.9 please

Another show tomorrow at Sturton in Lincolnshire, my 9th of the season. As i've said before this is a small village with a big show and any ticket here is earned. Indeed over the years I've had many more 2nds and 3rds than wins. I think it's the last show of the season for many of the local growers so the benches tend to be quite full with quality stuff. The car needs to be loaded tonight for a 6am start to drive the 54 miles in time for the 7.30 staging start. I like to get there early so I have a prime position in the car park before other exhibitors start to arrive. I washed a load of spuds last night and was quite pleased with the skin finish considering they've been out of the ground for a couple of months now. As the skins are now so hard I actually used the scourer side of the sponge to clean them up. Even the Winstons that were scabby cleaned up reasonably well although like a prostitute who picks off her scabs before a client enters the nobbles on the skin betray where the scabs were. Sturton has a class for 5 spuds 'size and quality' so it allows me to enter some large spuds that would otherwise be too big for any other show.

I usually put about 60 entries in but as I need to conserve my energies and produce for Westminster Show on Tuesday I've only managed to mackle 40 odd together this year, including a few entries in the dahlia classes and the cacti and succulent section. Talking of cacti I got a bonus 3rd at Malvern with this set of 4. There were around 15 entries so it was another good ticket to win. I don't know why the back two appeal to me so much but my missus reckons they sum me up as a person beautifully. They merely remind me of Harvey Smith for some reason.


  1. good luck tomorrow, on the cleaning potatoes topic have you tried a brillo pad? and dont pull that face i am serious! we won the four plate class at shrews bury beating some very good growers and i always use a brillo, very gently lots of foam and it works, try it. rayden x

  2. kev broxholmeOctober 01, 2010

    what u showing dahlias! have just finished loading my car with my dahlias. now i will have to go and look at them again to make sure i have some decent ones to compete against you. will see you tomorrow between 7.30 & 8am providing this thick fog in derby has cleared by morn.
