Friday, October 29, 2010

Last knockings

It's my final show of the season tomorrow at Derby. This is by far the latest I have ever shown but I'm happy i've got a few reasonable exhibits. I pulled some humungous parsnips today although most have spots of canker. I shall be growing my roots under cover next season to try and combat this annual problem.

Whilst talking to John Branham at Malvern he taught me a little trick with 8oz onions. Very often towards the end of the showing season they can be looking a little wrinkly, with tide marks spoiling their uniformity. If the skin 'gives' a little near the root plate then you can probably bet the skin underneath is ripe. I skinned a few tonight to reveal nice, dark and fresh looking skins that don't have any blemishes. Give them a rub in your hands to reduce the shininess and voila!

Normally at this stage of the year i'm feeling a little depressed at the longer nights and the thought that Spring is so far away. But the good thing about being in the National Vegetable Society is that you can attend the many talks and seminars held up and down the country, so in the next couple of months I shall be hearing a talk by Graham Wagstaffe on potatoes at North Derby DA, and Charlie Maisey on tomatoes (to make me even more fabulous than I already am!) at North Mids DA. I shall also be travelling nearly 300 miles to the Scottish Branch annual seminar near Edinburgh to hear Sherie Plumb talk about her prize winning technique with spuds, and Ian Simpson on growing peas for exhibition. There is also an opportunity to buy seeds and other goodies. Can't wait.

Meanwhile, a report on Radio 5 live yesterday said that it is becoming quite commonplace for heterosexual men to greet their mates with full blown smackers on the lips. I'd just like to say that if any of my pals and show growing chums ever greets me in such a way.......I WILL kill you!


  1. thought you might be going to medwyns weekend, good times was had by all last year. cheers raydenx

  2. So I suppose another BJ is out of the question then.

  3. No're too big for me. I couldn't shut my mouth for a week after the last time!

    I will attend one year before too long I hope. Maybe combine it with a bit of walking too.
