Friday, October 08, 2010

Decisions, decisions....

Well now, the show season is virtually at an end save for Derby Show on the last weekend of this month (bloody late show that....will I have anything left?!) so it's time to take stock, start tidying the carnage that my garden has become (lawn not mown for 2 months!) and start planning my growing regime for next year. Seed catalogues have started arriving so it's good to browse these whilst cracking one off on the big white ceramic thunderbox. Whilst going round the shows I've also made notes of different varieties that have been winning tickets that I haven't grown before. One of these was the small tomato 'Harlequin' that won at Westminster for Geoff Butterworth (another bloody nice bloke!). Gardener's Delight and Sungold are the best tasting small tomaotes but it's very difficult to find 12 (Malvern) or 15 (Westminster) matching fruits as they tend to be all shapes and sizes.

I took two sets of tomatoes down to Westminster and couldn't decide which set to put in. At first I put in my larger set, nice green calyces but perhaps not as uniform as they could be. I got out my smaller set which had slightly yellowing calyces but were pretty much like peas in a pod. Dave Thornton, John Croot and John Goodall all went for the smaller set so I was happy to go with that set (below). They all seemed quite impressed with both sets so I was reasonably confident.As we breakfasted and walked around central London they all made comments that made me think I was in with a shot.

However, upon returning I found I didn't have a ticket of any description. The winning set consisted of some quite large fruits. All the lads commented that my discarded large set was better than the winning set of 9. Ho hum!

I'm now addicted to having a go at a higher level although I am still passionate about the local village show. With this in mind I now have a dilemma on next year's horizon as the NVS National will be held in Wales in Llangollen on August Bank Holiday weekend. It's the same weekend as Leicester Show and another long standing village show that I have done for the last 15 years. Do I enter (and indeed support!)the local shows and pick up over a dozen red cards or do I have a go at my first National in the hope of getting a placing somewhere? Mmmm.....Llangollen is awfully close to the Snowdonia National Park.......


  1. Have ago Simon give some one ell's a chance of winning a card, Also it would be nice weekend for the better half have a bit of thought for some one ell's for a change.

  2. OOps! I just posted a couple of blogs about my visit to Westminster! (with a Matron slant on proceedings) lovely plate of harlequins.

  3. Your choice is that you take your years work to the National and hope that you get a ticket or you go to your local where you know you will get a ticket.

    If you want to improve then you need to go to the National.
    Could someone else not just take some of your veg to the local and leicester and you take the rest to the National?

    Remember you are no longer the hunter, you are the hunted!!

  4. I have the same dilema. Just started my own blog ( it's in welsh i'm afraid, but you can look at the pictures!)
    I've been toying with the idea of aiming for the National next year because it's so close to where i live.
    If all goes well through the growing year i hope to see you there.

  5. WMFF I just used google translate so that I can read your blog.
    It works great.

  6. Simon you must aim for the national. Your local shows will welcome you back as a national winner in future years!
    As Iain said you are the hunted,if you dont go for it you will be the haunted.

  7. By simply asking the question you know the answer,its time to move on.Only your loyalty is whats making you think of the local shows

  8. Llangollen is a beautiful place, our family used to go there for annual holidays when I was growing up. For this reason alone I would choose Llangollen LOL.

    Seriously though, I think JBA had a good suggestion when he said to get someone else to take your veg to the local and Leicester show, leaving you free to go to the National.

  9. Can't trace the Harlequin tomato variety in any list.

  10. Thanks Smithy, spot on, listed as a plum tomato.

  11. Know Llangollen well. Camped there once as a kid whilst on a hitch-hiking trip to Wales.

    I'm starting to veer towards having a crack at a 'National'....all depends on having veg that is good enough on the day though.

  12. Enter all the shows Smithy so that your options are open and then nearer the time you can decide where to go. I would aim for the nationals but if your stuff doesn't make it you can just go to the locals.

  13. It's decided. Got my monthly Country Walking magazine today and in it there is a featured walk to Cadair Berwyn just outside Llangollen.

    Fate! LOL
