Sunday, September 05, 2010

Sutton Bonington Show 2010

A busy weekend. This is the show I'm most involved with being on the committee, and the one i've been most successful at over the years. It's also a large country show, the horticultural marquee being only a small part of the whole thing, which attracts some 4000 visitors the first Sunday in September each year. A true British tradition.

Yesterday morning and the exhibits start to arrive. My car was absolutely packed to the gunnels and I had to make a couple of trips back to Loughborough.

Inside the marquee there are classes for everyone to have a go at. We had 750+ entries although the veg was slightly down on numbers this year.

I keep the wraps on my carrots, potatoes and beetroot until the last possible moment. At this show I actually act as steward for the veg judges and I'd strongly recommend you do this if you ever get the chance. Following them round you pick up all sorts of tips and pointers as to what they're looking for.

Meanwhile, outside a couple of my fellow committee members are overseeing the hugely important kids' paper plane competition.

As for my performance this year, I got 11 red cards, 11 seconds and 6 thirds which is actually my worst ever result here. I got 1-2-3 in the onions under 1.5lbs.....

.....1st and second in shallots.....

.....and first with the leeks. These were closely pipped for best veg by John Barton's superb parsnips. I think a little pest damage on the leaves went against me.

I got a 1st with my long carrots. These were actually saved from Leicester last week...... were my 2nd and 3rd placed stump rooted carrots. The stumps that beat me were absolutely humungous.

I won both potato classes, winning the coloured class with these Blue Belle. I shall definitely be growing this variety again and giving them plenty of TLC.

It's been a few years since I've won with french beans, but I followed up 2nd place at Leicester last week with 1st and 2nd here.

I'm on a roll with Cederico tomatoes. These were all taken from the bottom two trusses and I have some real crackers to come once they ripen. I think I should definitely have a set for Malvern.

The mexican mouse melons caused a lot of interest, and as at Leicester last week we had to put a label on them to stop people coming to the hort. soc. bench and asking what they were.

Lots of big marrows and pumpkins this year, but I saved Ester to grow for another week. She should make her bow at Seagrave on Saturday. If she carries on growing at the pace she is now, I reckon she could outweigh Heidi from last year.

Leesa demanded a mention for her expertise in arranging my winning trug. Brilliantly done as always darling......but she does of course require top quality veg grown to perfection by a master of his art!!!

So for the 9th time in 10 years I won most points in show and collected the trophy from the Mayor of Rushcliffe.
And if I can just give myself a pat on the back, I've been inundated with texts and emails the last few days from several of my show growing pals thanking me for advice given over the last few years as they all won prizes at their own shows. The next best thing after winning yourself is providing winning advice to your pals, so well done to (amongst others) Paul Wlodarczak in Cumbria (cracking parsnips mate), Rob in Solihull, Craig in Ibstock and Paul Bastow and Dan Unsworth at their mutual gay Yorkshire love-in.
Well done one and all.


  1. I know you must get a huge semi-on whilst basking in all our reflective glories and I personally thank you for your previous advice.
    As for your Gay love in thing,didn't you know it's still Illegal up here in Yorkshire unlike all you Southern fairies.
    P.S, How did you get on with your Quiche Lorraine in the domestic section ?

  2. Well now Dan.....we do have a 'men only' rock cakes class......and for the tenth time in a row I won.....nowt!!!

  3. Brilliant results Simon, well done. Your country show looks a little like our local one, i.e. does lots of things as well as veg, e.g. cake making, dairy produce, cattle etc.

    I keep meaning to ask about those Blue Belle potatoes, are they an early variety or a late variety? I ask because I quite like the look of them and would like to maybe grow some for next year, but here we only have classes for early or late potatoes.

    Also, what do they taste like??

  4. Don,t you ever call me a scruffy bas***d again the lord Mayor must have thought you were homeless and taken pity on you. how many Big Issues did you manage to sell.
    and well done by the way.
    one more thing do you know how many Onions I need to Stage for the under 8 oz class In Harrogate as I have some crackers, and it seems a shame to turn them in to Soup?

  5. daily mail page 59 straight to yhe point letter 2
    nuff said

  6. Paul...have you got a link to the Mail letter? I don't normally read subversive northern Labour supporting shite.

    8oz onions is usually 6 number. But contact the show secretary via the website as you will need to register your entries a few days in advance.

  7. Have you been kissing those spuds,they look like somebody has as they have distinct lip impressions :D

  8. Now that would be distinctly gay but it may be something that goes off up in Yorkshire!

  9. Misty.....Blue Belle is a 2nd early soyou should be ok.

    Available from JBA or ESP.

    Not sure what they taste like....haven't cooked any yet.

  10. Thanks for the info Simon, let me know what they taste like when you get a chance to try them if you remember.

    Forgive my ignorance, but what are JBA and ESP and how do I contact them??

  11. JBA=Jamiesons Seed Potatoes....see website link at the side.

    ESP is Exhibition Seed Potatoes in Derby.

    Try JBA first.

  12. Thanks for this Simon, will do :)

  13. I do not have a link to the story and I left the paper on the Plane but the jist of it was that if a yorkshireman shares a bedroom with another man he is not gay just saving money re the Hague story

  14. Yeah righto Paul....i'm convinced.

    I didn't have you down as a heavy sleeper by the way Paul.....Dan reckoned he had to reach across you this morning to turn the alarm clock off! LOL
