Saturday, August 14, 2010

Preparation is key

So, the countdown to show season has begun. Many shows have already taken place but the main season is from late August through September. After all your hard work the crunch time will soon be upon you and there's very little you can do now to change the way your stuff is growing. But there are things you can do to change the way it looks on the benches. It's worth taking time tying and trimming your onions. A nice neat raffia tie can make ordinary onions and shallots look better than they are. Acquaint yourself with your show's rules so that you know exactly what is expected and don't make last minute mistakes. If in any doubt ask someone who knows. And remember size really isn't everything. Concentrate on uniformity and quality.

Think about how and when you're going to harvest your stuff. It's no use getting up on show day and doing it then. Potatoes can be washed up to a couple of nights before and stored dry in some kitchen towelling in the dark...say a biscuit tin. I pull my beetroot 2 days before and soak in buckets of water after cleaning. Runner beans can be picked up to 5 or 6 days before once they reach the length you need. Store against a wooden batten in damp cloths in a cool dark place. Carrots and parsnips should be pulled the day before, cleaned and wrapped in cloths (wet for carrots and dry for parsnips) and boxed up ready for loading. On the day of the show you just want to load everything up and go, using tick lists to make sure you have all your show paraphernalia such as Top Tray boards, scissors, dishes of sand for shallots, paper plates and so forth. Sit down with your schedule a week before the show and work out exactly what you will need and get it all together, preferably in a box.

Tonight I visited Burbage Show to see what my fellow local competitors are benching and to catch up with old friends. It was a very good show but I'm not being big headed when I say I would have walked off with a fair few red cards I reckon. However, my new best friend Ian Taylor won best in show with a cracking plate of Winston that put my scabby specimens to shame. One point of concern for me was that I noticed there were quite a few rough specimens of Sweet Candle. Skin finish has never been a problem for me so I hope my own roots don't look like that.

I also had a chat with Mark Roberts who won the collection of 6 at the NVS National in 2007 held at Malvern. It was a superb display that made me goggle-eyed, his celery in particular being truly exceptional. He's had a bad year or two but is hoping to return with a vengeance next season. Nice fella and I hope to be visiting his garden in the Spring to pick up some more top tips.


  1. Thanks Simon some usefull tips there, how long before a show would you pull onions assuming they are at the right size?

  2. Going through this right now, crazy few days coming up. Show on Wednesday and I have 38 entries in various veg classes.

    Tomorrow (Monday) going to pick beans (French, runners and haricots) and tie onions and shallots. Additionally I am going to be lifting and sorting spring onions, cucumbers, potatoes and carrots.

    Tuesday I will be sorting out my veg for the display boxes and the 6' x 4' table display. Lifting and soaking my beetroot in the vinegar/salt solution, picking and sorting my cherry tomatoes and picking my mange tout.

    On the morning of the show I will be rushing around picking the lettuces and washing roots and wrapping in the damp tissue and tin foil, picking my courgettes and organising the remaining displays at the show itself.

    It is going to be a really tiring few days coming up.

  3. Dene....onions need to be up 3 to 4 weeks before the show to give them time to ripen, although at earlier shows onions tend to be a bit greener and judges will make allowance for this.

    Misty.....I would try and wash your roots the night before if you can.

  4. By 'roots'......I mean carrots, parsips and beetroots.

  5. Arghh, not entering parsnips, but carrots yes, but intended to wash AND deliver them the night before the show as that is permissible. Beetroot I am/was planning to soak overnight on Tuesday to deliver on Wednesday for judging (what do you think?).

  6. Slow down.....breathe deeply. Everything will be alright. Less haste, more speed LOL.

    I would get the beet up Monday afternoon/evening and soak for 2 days. Should save you a bit more time.

    Make sure you email me your show pics guys.

    Best of luck.

  7. Thanks for the advice, working on all of it as we speak. Will let you know how it goes and take pictures.
