Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Salad days!

Strange things are a-happening! I sowed this batch of Pablo beet with a view to pulling the whole lot up for Malvern, exactly 15 weeks from the show date. However, the majority of them have reached size in a matter of a few short weeks. And this is a variety that I have struggled to get more than golf ball size in the past! The old water tank was filled with sieved compost in order to be able to pull beet with a nice long single tap root. Looks like my local shows are going to have to suffice as I'm sure they won't hold until the end of September.

I've not shown my parsnips on here for a while after growing a little disillusioned with them early on. However, I must say the foliage has really grown well in the last few weeks and I could be in for a few decent sets. I can't see any evidence of yellow spot (canker) so fingers crossed. I had a few stations non-germinate so resowed with another variety. I made sure I marked these ones with a label so I don't get them mixed up when pulling.

And remember the mystery veg correctly guessed by Dan? It has gone absolutely bozwonk. Mexican sour gherkins, mouse melons, sour cucumber.....call them what you will but this bizarre crop is growing out of control and throwing up dozens of tiny little fruits. It's a nice crunchy sour cucumber taste and a welcome change in salads. I should have plenty of these to fill the gaps in my trug displays.


  1. Re my planned visit next week, i am a bit worried about parking my Van in your road as I had a bad experience last time I left it in a rough area can you arrange for someone to watch it?

  2. This is LOUGHBOROUGH.....you're obviously getting us mixed up with LIVERPOOL or LEEDS or some other northern rat'ole!

  3. "bozwonk", what a wonderful word that I simply must add to my vocabulary. Where on earth did you get it from? Reminds me of a teacher I had at school who used to say "Ye Gods and Little Fishes Man" at any youth who was being particularly rude or dense.
