Saturday, August 07, 2010

The NVS is 50 !

This year the NVS is celebrating it's 50th year and a special DVD has been produced free to all members. You also get a glossy magazine every quarter which I think is on a par with Kitchen Garden and will only get better. I've already had one letter published and have been told I have another one that will be in the October issue on the subject of starting your own show. I shall also be penning a piece on my little wager with NVS National Secretary Dave Thornton. If I beat him (highly unlikely) it will be a long chapter but if I lose (very likely at this point in time) it will be a paragraph. In code. And invisible ink!

Membership of the NVS costs £14 for individuals but is going up to £17 next year, but I would still thoroughly recommend it. The magazines alone are worth that and you also get the chance to attend talks run by local district associations. With this in mind I'm hoping to form a Leicestershire DA so that I don't have so far to travel to my nearest one. Dave Thornton and the great collection grower John Branham have already offered to do talks if I can get it off the ground. The only problem is that Leicestershire currently only has about 10 members so I shall be trying to recruit new members at the upcoming shows by leaving some posters lying around the benches.

In the meantime try and get along to an NVS show and marvel at the quality of the veg on display. The Southern branch championships held as part of the New Forest Show has already been and gone but there is still the Welsh, the Northern (17th to 19th at Harrogate) and the Midlands (at Malvern). The 'biggie' is the National held at Dundee on the 3rd to the 5th September. There are sure to be some good exhibits this special year and I wish I could attend but alas I am committed to other shows.


  1. You do a good job promoting the NVS Simon,wish our DA had 10 members, only 6 active meembers, so dont let the low numbers worry you.

  2. Did i mention that I have joined and am still waiting for my goodies?

  3. Also any ideas on the grub that ate my Onion and how to stop it happening again?
