Sunday, August 01, 2010

Introducing Dawn

Popped up the allotment tonight to see how the pumpkins are faring. Bred from the seed of last year's "Heidi", they've grown a lot since I went on holiday, spreading a good 20'x4' each.

There are quite a few cricket ball sized fruits on the nearest and furthest plants amongst the foliage of the middle plant was this football sized one. Checking back on last year's blog entries Heidi wasn't this big until about the 11th so fingers crossed I may even get a bigger one this year. I have named it Dawn (after Dawn Steele).


  1. Heavens, I thought my allotment was large, but is ALL of that field yours, or only the bit nearest the camera??

    Husband already complains my allotment is too big as I pester him to help with barrowing mulch for me to spread and arrange for tractors etc to plough and cultivate it. I shall have to show him yours and he might complain less!

  2. T'is just a narrow strip on someone else's land.....albeit a very long strip.
