Friday, August 20, 2010

Has the World gone mad?

My middle daughter announced yesterday that she was looking after a friend's pets whilst he went on holiday. Nothing strange in that I thought until they turned up. A dog? A cat? A hamster? A goldfish? Nope.....a huge bloody great snail and a couple of smaller ones.

I spend half my life trying to kill them in my garden and now my daughter is feeding one in my house! I give up!

I wish I could blame my woes on snails at the moment. Last night I emptied out my Kestrel spuds and they're even more scabby than my Winstons. They look like Keith Richard's cock after a 60 gig European tour. I informed Dave Thornton of this today. After he had stopped laughing he did admit to me that a lot of members in the North Derby DA were reporting the same at a recent meeting so I am in good company. The probable cause he feels is dry compost at tuber initiation, which is when the foliage is about a foot high. Thinking back, that was probably late June for me when it was really hot here in the Midlands. I obviously didn't give the bags enough water.

Not a problem as such but an issue with my tomatoes. A week to go to my first show and i'm struggling to get them ripe despite hanging bananas up. They are starting to go but I won't have a great selection for the first couple of shows. Some of the trusses are so heavy i'm also having to support them with string tied to the horizontal supports to stop the truss breaking off.

One success story this season is my courgettes. I've grown them in cordon fashion, tying to a stout pole as the grow and cutting off the lower foliage as they go yellow. The air circulation helps stop mildew and towards the end of the season the fruits are borne clear of the foliage and easy to pick at the top of the plant. I shall certainly be trying this method again.


  1. Bananas look to be growing well, are you putting them in the any other veg catergory? The Snails are best served with Garlic butter and crusty bread.

  2. No Paul, I'm donating them to a disaster relief fund. By the size of those rats the North is going to need some food packages soon because they'll have eaten everything else! LOL

    And the day I eat fucking snails is the day I start supporting Liverpool, vote Labour and bend over in the Blue Oyster Bar shouting come on big boys gimme all your lovin!

  3. if you recall simon i mentioned to you about water gel when growing potatoes or anything else if it comes to that and after reading what a friend told you what he thinks the problem might be with scabby pots it might be a good thing to try the gel next year.I would like to mention that you will have to be cautous because of exspansion when poured into the compost.hope this might help.
