Tuesday, July 06, 2010

You can't keep motormouth quiet!

It seems there's more than one thick git up our road. Whilst this week's star letter in Garden News (wrote by moi!) is a piece of literary genius the fact remains that I forgot to give them my name and address so it's down as 'name and address supplied'. What a tit.


  1. Great letter mate .... i'm show sec of our village show (which you've kindly put a link to on here) and have in the last couple of years done exactly what you said - looked at the schedule and got rid of the classes that "we've always had" and for numerous years i've thrown away the prepared 1st, 2nd & 3rd place certificates as there we no entries.
    We've introduced a class for a collection of veg - 1 each of 6 types that goes well for those aspiring to the "full collection". The schedule review certainly worked last year - we had 124 entrants and 779 exhibits....let's see what this year brings.
    I've had my onions go to seed...i said the same as you...oh heck. Great blog as ever mate...have a great hol - i'm sure you're veg will be in safe hands.

  2. Hi Robb,

    Good to hear from you again. I seem to remember you once saying you owed me a pint! LOL

    Glad your show is going from strength to strength. It can be done.

  3. tell you what ...you've got a good memory...i'll have to have a trip across to see you and redeem my promise!

  4. I NEVER forget the offer of a pint! LOL
