Thursday, July 29, 2010

Back at the wheel!

Yup....I'm back. Tanned, rested and raring to go! However, one thing is for sure. As long as I remain partial to a foreign holiday in July or August I'll never be a top showman. The really top growers would never leave their plots at such a critical time. My daughter has done a stirling job.....well, at least considering her previous attempts.....but I have come back to quite a few problems none of which she could have done much about. If I had been here I could have done something about things sooner.

My runner and french beans are severly infested with blackfly and will need to be sprayed over the next few days to bring things back in line. My Vento onions succumbed to thrips and stopped growing a while ago by the look of things. I may get a set or two but I'll be lucky if I do. Most of my long beet have been infested by leaf miner and appear to have stopped growing.

However, t'is not all doom and gloom. My Sweet Candle stump carrots are going mad and the foliage is positively bursting out of the enviromesh frames. I couldn't resist a scrape at the top of one and was nearly creaming myself at the size of the shoulder. I just need to keep an eye out now and make sure they don't push themselves upwards out of the sand which can cause the shoulder to go green.

My cabbages are still very healthy and the green netting has stopped any cabbage whites getting in. Growing off the ground in the large bottomless pots appears to have helped also, giving good air circulation.

And checking back in my diary I realised it was 12 weeks since I set my Winston potatoes away, which is plenty of time for that particular variety. The foliage was yellowing off and flopping about all over the place. I had a bit of a furtle in the compost in one of the bags and felt a few good tubers, so tonight I cut back the foliage from all the plants. Under no circumstances should you empty out the bags at this point. The skins will be far too soft and any handling will render them useless for showing. No matter how tempted you are you have to leave the bags for at least a week to let the skins harden. Tomorrow I will bring all the bags into my garage and forget about them for a couple of weeks. Then I will empty them out one by one and sort them into sets, putting them back into pots of dry compost fully labelled. I will wash them a day or two before the show. My other varieties need a few more weeks and the foliage is still nice and lush with no sign of blight

More on the plot later when I can hopefully include a few photos.....seeing as our youngest daughter conspired to leave our camera on the plane on the flight out to Rhodes I may be a few days before I can fire up the old camera which is more of a chore to download from. Anyone waiting to see holiday snaps of my semi naked body is going to have to make do with a few grainy shots from our mobile phones......unless of course you beg me not to publish them!


  1. Great to have you back simon, although Heather did you proud I have to say.

  2. If you have any semi naked photos of your tanned body then you should put one on the mantlepiece.

    It'll keep the children away from the fire !

  3. Sod the fireplace get some up round the carrots it'l keep the carrotfly away too :)

  4. Hi Simon nice to know your back safely thank god the camera went missing!!! on a more serious note I also have been away this week and returned to Thrips also some of the onions have leek Moth but not any more the Chickens love them. also my carrots are looking marvelous phots on the blog are your Killaton hearting up mine seem to be taking ages?

  5. Northern bastards!

    Paul.....cabbages starting to heart up now...right on cue. Kilaton not hearting up yet but I have grown it under my brussels and it's stretching up to the light.

    Kilaton is quite a small cabbage anyway.

  6. Hi Simon I have a couple more Questions for you. My sweet Candle Carrots are now just shy of 8" round with 4 weeks to go before my local show are they getting too big? Also what is a good shape for dressed Onions I have all shapes and sizes and wondered which to choose (photos on blog) cheers Paul.

  7. Paul....Sweet Candle is an amazing carrot. I have some even bigger but I don't think they'll get much bigger diameter wise.....what's happening now is that they are developing the stump end which is why they are tending to push themselves up out of the sand. Just keep your eye on this and earth up as you have been doing.

    As for the shape of your onions they all seem 'showable'. But I wouldn't make my choice now. Ripen them all off as you may find they will alter their shape slightly during the ripening process, much as shallots do. Also, the skin colours may differ so I would make your selection in the days leading up to the show. Just try and get 3 that look as alike as possible.

  8. you would have some bigger using that tape again no doubt L.O.L. I have some Ailsa Craig which look more uniform and also some Giant Red (bigger than Dan's) should I pull a few of these as Bankers ?
    I also gave in to temptation and pulled a Purple Haze for the Tea nice size and as you said amaizing flavour
    Chers Paul

  9. I'd pull back any split skins on the red and leave for a few days then harvest Paul.
