Thursday, July 01, 2010

Aint nececelery so!

I vow each year to improve my performance with celery having never won with this crop before. Last year started well but towards the end of the season they succumbed to celery rust and the plants soon looked terrible as the disease took hold. So far this year my plants of Morning Star are ok apart from the odd sign of leaf miner spoiling some of the leaves. When spotted I find the maggot beneath the surface and squidge it between my fingers. Strangely satisfying. Just like shooting a fox.
I digress. Before the season gets too far advanced I hope to get a cover on these plants but one thing you must do is keep them well watered and fed with a fertiliser high in nitrogen. To this end I've been giving them regular foliar feeds with ammonium sulphate but will now change to a soil dressing of nitrate of soda. A fresh scattering of slug pellets every couple of weeks is also a good idea. The plants are in the bottom corner of my garden in quite a shady spot that doesn't get sun at the hottest part of the day.


  1. Simon, when you foliar feed with ammonium sulphate how do you prepare it?, is it just so much AS disolved in a can of water?, if so what ratio do you use, and do you spray it on or water it on?

  2. Dene,

    Just an ounce or so dissolved in the watering can and given a good stir then watered on.

    Very unscientific I know but it's then in a form that the plant can take up quickly.

    Mainly for earlier in the I say I've now reverted to the top dressing.
