Monday, June 21, 2010

Tommy tatered?

A couple of Cedrico tomatoes are causing me concern. After a blight forecast I thought I'd give my indoor tomatoes a spray of Dithane as they can still get a dose of blight from splashes that drip from the roof of my not very watertight greenhouse.
However, my spraygun decided to throw a complete titfit and I gave a couple of plants a right old dose of white spray as it spurted out in one big whoosh. The two plants in question looked very sickly almost straight away and have never fully recovered. It looks as if they have been given a spray with some weedkiller so the high concentration of Dithane they received obviously had a similar effect.
I've replaced one plant already and think I may soon have to bite the bullet and replace this one also.....but I have no Cedrico left so it will have to be good old Gardener's Delight for the cherry tomato classes.
In future I will test spray before I point anything at a plant.

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