Sunday, June 20, 2010

Severe flood warning

England is bracing itself for severe flooding after 5 million Scots pissed themselves laughing on Friday night at the inept and totally hilarious performance of their so-called football stars. However, next week England can gain some revenge when Andy Murray resumes his annual futile attempt to claim the Wimbledon crown. Murray is actually the secret love child of Martina Navratilova and the Chuckle Brothers. Unfortunately, when he comes up against anyone good he plays like his father(s) and has the personality of his mother so England is hopeful of more ribtickling inadequacy once more!

On the plot things are starting to fill out so there is not much more planting space.

The Sweet Candle stumps are really growing away well under the enviromesh covers.

Which is a lot more than can be said for the long carrots which are barely 6" high. Even Dave Thornton is suffering this problem so I'm not alone. I really am at a loss as to why the long carrots have refused to grow after good germination. I doubt I'll have decent specimens for village shows at this rate, let alone Malvern and the like.

Under the green netting I have some cracking and totally unblemished cabbages. Growing in bottomless pots the lower leaves are well off the ground and so plenty of air can circulate.


  1. Simon - No amount of ribbing about a Scot who is the best chance England will ever have of winning wombledon will make up for the great comedy show we had on Friday. Am puzzled about your long carrots - mines did seem to hang about and do nothing for a while - which is unusual - but they are now romping ahead and about 20" high??

  2. Just checking you're still alive Ian! LOL

    My long carrots did a similar thing last year but then did get a move on.....but no sign of any real movement just yet this season.

    Perhaps they're all root and not much top? (one can dream.....just like Murray!)
