Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Ladies.....take note!

Imagine you are in Tesco, queuing at the checkout in single file. The girl in front of you does not have her purse and to your dismay you then realise you that you don't have your purse either. The solution is that your friend towards the back of the queue is offering to throw her purse to you, but you can't jump the queue until the purse has been thrown. Once the purse has been thrown you can quickly dodge the lass in front, catch the purse and then confront the girl on the checkout desk.

Now....that is the OFFSIDE RULE in language you can understand. Do not interrupt me (or any other lads) for the next 5 weeks asking stupid f***ing questions!

1 comment:

  1. Tee hee. Little do you know, we're looking forward to asking stuff like "I'll just book that holiday in Dominica then shall I" knowing that the grunt in reply we can take as assent.
    Good luck, even if you are English.
