Wednesday, June 23, 2010

It's just like WW2 again!

The French surrender early, the Yanks come late and we're left to fight the f***ing Germans!

We may have won but let's not get carried away....we're still shit!

If England win the World Cup I'll stage my exhibits at Malvern with my c*ck hanging out!


  1. It's an NVS event, not a freak show.

  2. Maybe that will be a better size than your carrots!!!!

  3. AnonymousJune 24, 2010

    would it get best in show!

  4. Richard....piss off!

    Ian.....maybe last season but not this! ON show maybe! LOL

  5. LOL, I've already offered to have sex with the whole pub if England win,... I reckon I am safe though, (or they are LOL).

  6. Another question, (sorry to keep asking), I notice a number of my unusual coloured carrots grown in containers appear to be running to seed/bolting, even though they were only planted this year. Varieties effected appear to be "Black Spanish, Morada", "Red Samurai" and "Lunar White". The other varieties grown under the same conditions are doing fine and growing as I would expect, e.g. Early Nantes 5, Autumn King, Solar Yellow, Purple Haze etc.

    Any ideas why this might be and what I could have done wrong??

    Another quickie. My Red Baron Onions, (in containers) also had a couple bolt on me. I cut off the flower stems two inches or so from the base, but am not sure whether to simply lift them and dump them now, or to allow them to grow on as they are. what do you advise?

    Thanks in advance for your advice Smithy :)

  7. I think the answer lies in the varieties you mention.......I've never heard any of them so I presume they're old varieties, possibly heirloom?

    The newer varieties that haven't bolted have been bred to be more bolt resistant.

    I also have had a few Red Baron throw up seed heads which I've snipped off. Occupational hazard with onions from sets I'm afraid. You may get a small, 'usable' onion from these ones but they should be used up first. Personally I've only left them in place because to pull them up would spoil the uniformity of the bed LOL.....I would recommend binning them otherwise.

    Quite happy to answer as many questions as you want. If England do win the World Cup will you have the pub gang bang filmed so that we can watch it on You Tube please?

    Much obliged.

  8. Thanks for the info. Yes they are mostly heirloom varieties, but I am disappointed in the carrots as I was looking forward to all the different coloured ones so I could enter them in the show purely for the novelty factor to people visiting the show.

    LOL re-the gang bang. Doubt it will be necessary looking at how we are playing German right now (2-1 at the moment and in the 2nd half).
