Saturday, June 12, 2010


The problem with growing to show is that you cannot rectify any mistakes until next season and so it has just proved with my pickling shallots. I was harvesting them at about 29mm dia. thinking they may swell up to the 30mm mark during harvesting. In actuality they have gone way beyond that and are 31-33mm if anything. I should be able to manage a set below 30mm as the later ones were only getting to 27-28mm. Next year I will pull them at 27mm to be safe.
Anyways, my exhibition shallots are now over 40mm and the biggest one has stopped growing at 45mm so I have pulled this one up. I noticed that green shoots were no longer emerging from the centre of this one so that means it has finished this year's growing cycle. The rest of my shallots do have new shoots so hopefully these will continue to grow for a few days and these will also be harvested at about 45mm. If the picklers are anything to go by they will swell during ripening and make the 48-50mm mark.

My onions are growing nicely and are on course for 2 pounders or so. I don't grow huge ones, just a decent size for a nice even set hopefully. The problem I have is growing them in my greenhouses where I also grow tomatoes and cucumbers.....not ideal.

A view of my leeks on the left and shallots on the right.

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