Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Thanks for ruining my life America (I think!)

I don't usually watch American TV shows but for the past 6 years myself and Leesa have been hooked on the drama 'Lost'. We got up at 4.30am yesterday to watch the final 2 episodes which were being simultaneously broadcast across the States. Whilst it was a cracking ending, it left us completely confused all day and even now I keep trying to work out the many intricacies of an infuriating 6 years. Because of this I now have to snap out of it and focus on some 'definites'.

1) After yesterday's inept performance we must accept that England have absolutely no chance of winning the World Cup. Nil. None. Nul. Zilch. FA.
2) My youngest daughter was 15 yesterday. Happy Birthday for yesterday Bex.
3) The presenters on the Chelsea Flower Show (including the great Alan Titch) talk an absolute hunk of hogwash. Guys.....wake up! Those gardens are totally shite. Show us the f*cking flowers and shut up. The great Medwyn won a gold medal and the President's Award for best floral exhibit. Will we get to see a bit about that? Will we f*ck!

4) My parsnips have the first signs of canker. They start as yellow spots or fleckles on the leaves. B*ll*cks!
5) I am sunburnt. In May!!!!


  1. So, how's your day been, then?

  2. Agree with you the Chelsea coverage is full of crap, not interested in the chat between the clips at all.

  3. Rather late, but last year as soon as my parsnips showed yellowspots I cut off the infested leaves and didn't see anymore all year. Luck? Maybe.
