Sunday, May 30, 2010

Nearly June!!!!

Where is all the time going? It's the end of May and things are starting to gather pace as I juggle everything that needs to be done. Tonight I erected a barrier around my cabbages with this green netting acquired from building site skips. You may think it would stop sufficient light getting through but I've used it very successfully in the past and if anything the cabbages are a much deeper green colour, and of course it stops pigeons and butterflies.

The spuds in the middle beds are Winston.

The jury is out on the experiment to grow potatoes in buckets for a July show.
I'm not sure there is enough time for the tubers to form in time.

This old water tank has been filled with sieved compost from my compost heap. This week I will be sowing some Pablo beet with Malvern Show in mind (in 15 weeks time). The depth of nice friable material will, I hope, give me clean specimens with long tap roots.

My onions in the first greenhouse are growing well. A 'cage'of string around each plant keeps the foliage growing upright.

In the second greenhouse more onions are growing as well as the first of my Cederico tomatoes.

Carrots for the early show (a Nantes type) are 8" tall. Again I'm not sure they'll make size in time. This dull, cold weather has set everything back.

Including my long carrots for the autumn shows. I had good germination but the seedlings have sat still for several weeks. These really do have a long, long way to go.

I now have most of my spuds in. Winston (not in this shot), Kestrel, Blue Belle, Maxine, Harmony and Camelot. I ran out of polypots and used old compost bags turned inside out. You get much more compost in these so each bag gets three tubers. You also have to remember to put more fertiliser in the botom.

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