Sunday, April 18, 2010

Parsnip woes

Today is long carrot seed sowing day. The drums are ready, the sun is out but I'll be in the garage all day sieving compost & preparing the mixes. Photos will follow later hopefully.

However, my 'Pinnacle' parsnips are starting to concern me. They came through very erratcially and I still have about 6 stations that haven't come through at all. After all that banging on about pre-chitting your seed for some reason it hasn't worked very well for me this year. And those seedlings that have emerged are very small, pallid, sickly looking specimens. I've taken the precaution of putting some more seed on damp tissue paper in a tupperware container to chit, the variety being Polar another F1 variety that I haven't grown before. If Pinnacle shows no sign of motoring on in the next few days I will have no hesitation in scrapping the lot and starting again with this new batch. It will soon catch up I have no doubt.

Meanwhile, I shall make my annual plea for people to make sure they have slug pellets to hand that can be used SENSIBLY! Nothing deals with snails and slugs like pellets and I have to laugh at some of the remedies offered up on various gardening forums. By all means f*ck about with beer traps, piles of bran, copper bands and meditation but rest assured that none of these methods actually f*cking work! Once I have done my carrots I shall scatter some pellets on each drum. Past experience has taught me that slugs and snails have no problem climbing several feet to crawl over sharp sand to eat my newly emerged carrot seedlings. In fact scientists have shown that these little critters can in fact crawl over razor blades without any adverse damage to their snotty selves! F*ckers!


  1. Perhaps you were a little butch when handling your chitted seeds, or maybe it's just the seeds being ornery. Never had much luck with slug pubs either. I have no neighbours, so sometimes I give the slugs a fighting chance and chuck them on to the road.Sections of plastic bottle placed round lettuce etc. has always kept them totally slug free, but doesn't look too nice in the flower garden, where I use modern non-metaldehyde pellets.

  2. Sorry to hear that Simon, I'd probably re-sow and fingers crossed we have a good summer and they will catch up I'm sure.

    My problem is red spider mite these days that just bring my parsnips to a halt.

    Hope everything else is doing ok for you.

  3. Hi Simon from a fellow saddo, All my parsnip have emerged 2 to every station it may be because i am near Leeds lol. I am new to the showing game and follow your blog to gain information on what to plant - sow next. I even went to the local nvs talk the other evening and learnt a lot, they even give dripping and bread free in the interval with a healthy option of brown bread. Keep up the good work, your blog is brilliant apart from the man u comments
    regards Paul

  4. Thanks for your kind comments Paul, although I sincerely hope you're not a Leeds supporter! LOL

    Have you entered any shows before?

  5. Hi Simon in reply to your question I entered my local village show last year it was not planned I was given an allotment last spring it was covered in 4 foot high Brambles I spent a lot of time creating a garden which I am still doing I was asked on the morning of the local show if i was entering anything so I grabbed the shedule and picked some veg I duly won 4 firsts 3 seconds and 2 thirds I need to do better this time I have started a blog but it will take a while to get up to date as there is so much to say I may start where I am now and show how I got here later
    cheers again Paul
