Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Other bits and bobs

I have a small pot of tiny celery seedlings (Evening Star) in need of pricking out. I also have some brussel sprout (Abacus), red cabbage (Red Drumhead) and green cabbage (Kilaton) all in need of pricking out. The green cabbage is for an early show in July for which I have also put some potatoes in large pots within a builders bucket in order to try and get an early crop. This is low key and low tech as I won't be too fussed if it doesn't come off. The buckets will be grown on the the greenhouse until the foliage is too big and then they'll be put outside hopefully when all risk of frost is past. I also hope to try and get some carrots on the go this coming weekend for the same show.

In the greenhouse my shallots have finally started to show green shoots and are therefore a good month behind where I'd expect them to be. At times the compost they've been sitting in has been frozen rock solid. I have several trays of onions from sets rooted but no tops showing (Red Baron & Setton) and have sown some broad beans (Bunyard's Exhibition). My Pendle leek plants are looking good and have grown since I potted them on, although the Metcalfe onions have struggled. I know I said to grow them as hard as possible but I think the weather of the last month was just too cold and next season I will have to invest in some form of indoor growing chamber under a fluorescent light or three! A dozen or so plants are gamely growing away but I'm just wondering whether they may go to seed during the summer because of the checks in growth. My Vento onions for the 250g class are also growing slowly but now seem to be perking up with the increased daylight hours and extra warmth.

In the house I have now sown my first batch of tomato seeds as well as some sweet peppers (Luteus). Another batch of Vento germinated yesterday.

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