Sunday, February 28, 2010

It has been a good weekend!

Not only have the reds secured yet another trophy but Chelsea were beaten yesterday and the League is now in our hands again. And today I entertained a student from the Royal College of Art no less, who is doing a project on obsessive show growers such as myself. I had thought his initial contact email was a mate having a wind-up but no.....t'was genuine! And I must say I spent a very pleasant hour with a polite young man who never once pissed himeself with laughter whilst I explained what it was that drove me to try and grow the perfect set of vegetables, although I'm sure that deep down he must have thought I was amongst the weirdest humans ever to walk Wayne Rooney's Earth!


  1. Was a good game Villa had a good pop at you, but Rooney is glass on grass i just hope he can take this good form to South Africa. Do you reckon the Serbian chap at the back should have walked?

  2. I think (as a blinkered Man U fan) that it was never a penalty, Evra was tracking back and was a covering defender and that Agbonlahor should have been shot between his eyes for falling over like a complete poof!!!!


  3. Is the rumor from down the pub true that you are one of the red consortium trying to buy the club from the Glaziers?

  4. Yes James the rumour is true. I've written a cheque out for my share....£10. I think I now own one of Wayne Rooney's shin pads!
