Sunday, January 17, 2010

Today at chez Smiff

Today I did at least manage a quick hour out in the garden, but barely scratched the surface. I got some well rotted muck onto this bed where I'm hoping to grow some decent cabbages this season. I shall dig it all in in the Spring.

In the course of my tidying I found two pairs of secateurs and 2 pairs of gloves.....all now drying out in my greenhouse. The secateurs will need a good spray of WD40!

As yet there is no green growth on my potted up shallots in the greenhouse so I couldn't resist turning one bulb over. I was relieved to see roots starting to form.

The first shoots on my show daffs are breaking the surface. I grow them in large pots so I can put them in a shady place if they're coming on too soon, or in the greenhouse to bring them on if they're late. At the moment the second option is seeming to be more likely, although as my show isn't until late March a lot can happen weather wise.

I packed the last of my dahlia tubers today. Ideally I should have done this way back in November but I was given these tubers by a top grower and they've been residing in my conservatory for over a month. This shows the tuber before preparation.

I prefer to cut off a lot of the tuber, even slicing through some of the fleshy roots and dusting the cut edges with sulphur powder to stop them rotting. I find this helps to store them in a neater, easier and more manageable fashion and doesn't seem to adversely affect it. As the cuttings come from the crown you don't really need to keep a huge root.

All safely stored in boxes of dry peat in my garage. I will start to water sometime in March when the weather has warmed up a bit (hopefully!).


  1. Shouldn't it now be 46 year old salesman....

  2. Sorry sales and marketing director...forgot!
