Saturday, January 09, 2010

Snow joke for bugs

As has already been pointed out in one of the comments all this snow and freezing weather is perfect for killing lots of the gardener's foes, but sadly they won't ever be eradicated totally. I think it will probably mean that the more severe infestations will be a bit later in the season once they've managed to replenish their numbers.

Don't forget to put food out for the birds too......those fat balls from pet shops are ideal. Pornithologists are worried this cold snap will kill millions of our feathered friends although quite frankly if it killed every single pigeon then I for one would be quite prepared to do a naked snowdance of joy! I have a yearly battle making sure the little twats don't gorge themselves on my brassicas.

Last night was my local hort soc's Christmas Party (held for the first time AFTER Christmas) and there was a bit of a quiz that I failed miserably with. First person to supply all correct answers is entitled to a free pint at my long as you drive to my house, pick me up, take me to the pub and agree to buy the second pint!

1) What country do amaryllis originate from?
2) What are the flowers of poinsettia said to look like?
3) What palm provides a dried fruit popular at Christmas time?
4) Which bedding plant has a variety that can survive winter?
5) What C are added to oranges to make a fragrant Christmas decoration?
6) The wood from which tree was traditonally used to make white chess pieces?
7) In England oak is used for the traditional yule log. Which tree is used in Scotland?
8) What Christmas decoration might you find in an apple tree?
9) Bedford Fillbasket, Wellington and Bosworth are types of what?

There was one more but I can't remember it!


  1. Well, 9 is the devils vegetable, the nausea inducing green snot-blob, the Brussel Sprout. The rest are just so easy, I wouldn't want to embarrass you.

  2. 1. South Africa?

    2.Either lobster flower or as its Christmas it may well be Star of Bethlehem which is what I also grew up to believe.

    3. A date?

    4.Cant remember the name


    6.maple, sometimes box

    7. hmm

    8.dunno apple trees went out years ago. I have grown Bedford Fillbasket and its a sprout.. A crap one at that.

    I honestly knew them all but will give others a chance.

  3. You wouldn't have failed so miserably if you had listened to me! But no you always know best!

  4. What can I say? You should never have married me. I am an idiot!
