Monday, January 04, 2010

Aaaaaargh! We're doomed. It's snow!

You have to laugh. Our local news channel was interviewing people who had slid down some black ice on some residential backstreet in their cars.

"I fink it's reely disgusting that the caaahncil don't gritter down ah avvynew. Ah've not been able to get to work, dahn the shops nor nuffink".

How about getting off your lardy arses a bit earlier and walking instead?


  1. If this is "Global Warming" then bring it on !!

    Been sledging for the 1st time in 10 years.

    Fantastic !!

    I'm going to destroy as many fridges as possible from now on.

  2. with you all the way on this one.Up at %am to get to workand if got snow and have to walk get up earlier-some people make excuses for anything

  3. oops 5am should read

  4. When I was a boy we had so much snow every year it didn't melt 'til July.

  5. Yes Richard.....I remember reading in Dickens' novels about those times.

  6. If you think thats it's tough now why when I was at school we had to walk 3 miles through the snow in our bare feet so as we didn't spoil our shoes.

  7. That's 'nowt.
    Up 'ere in Yorkshire we dint even 'ave shoes.
    And when it got reet cold we 'ad t' live oft' bloody ferret eggs until't nutty slack thawed out in't bath then wi could mek soup.
    Y' soft southern bastards !!

  8. We didn't have feet!

    I had a girlfriend called Nutty Slack (or words to that effect)

    Nearly Spring! 2 onion seedlings (Unwins Exhibition) visible this morning - 1 week from sowing.

  9. Tattie Howker from SCOTIAJanuary 06, 2010

    I would have thought that as an expert(ha ha)carrot grower you would have known that SNOW is the best thing to kill carrot fly(you'll know about them!), so maybe this year you will achieve something better than AVERAGE C**P

  10. Tattie Howker from SCOTIAJanuary 07, 2010

    My dear Simone,
    You appear a tad upset. Perchance you feel theatened this New Year(your going to be humped)at your local veggie show with carrots. ps.Ian says you are C**p at growing carrots!!

  11. Au contraire!

    Compared to Ian Medwyn, Gerald Treweek, Ian Simpson and Graeme watson are crap at growing carrots! LOL

    p.s. Are you going to Malvern with Ian? We've booked into a local hostelry for the evening so if you're about I can hand over your coveted Smithyveg awards.....a pint for Ian and a handful of potato fertiliser for your good self! LOL
