Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Waste not want not

Apparently, the Jeremy Vine radio show has been discussing the subject of urinating on your compost heap all week in the light of this story........

I've actually been doing this for many years. I pee into an old watering can and then pour it onto my compost heap. This helps kick start the composting process.

However, a word of warning from past experience.....don't wait until the watering can is full. It can take several weeks to fill a standard watering can by which time it smells worse than Venus Williams' tampon.


  1. Please don't tell me you actually read the Guardian ?
    I never had you down as an Urban peace bicycle riding,non GM Quorn eating School Teacher.
    FFS !!!

  2. Rest assured I do not read the was merely the first article I found on a Google search!
