Tuesday, October 20, 2009

You didn't.....did you?

Did you really think I wasn't going to comment on Liverpool's calamity keeper being beaten by a deflected shot off a beachball last Saturday? He actually went to save the beachball! Hilarious! Man Utd are playing like idiots and yet we're still top of the league. Even more hilarious!

But none of this is quite as hilarious as our postal workers trying to convince us that carrying around a duffel bag with a few hundred letters and having to lift up a really heavy metal flap every 30 yards means they deserve more money, when our brave boys are fighting Osama Bin Bastard's murdering rag heads in Afghanistan and when the rest of us are doing more for less just to try and keep our jobs you moaning, lazy f*ckwits! I'd love to know the percentage of postal workers who have scouse tendencies.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. That's offensive! Please don't refer to them as 'rag heads'. They're not rags, they're sheets. 'Sheet-heads' will do nicely. Thank you.

  3. And before anyone gets off on their high horse this post and others like it does not make me a racist. My neighbours are Indian. They are lovely people. My MD is Indian. Each morning he calls me ‘black bastard’ and I call him ‘honky’! (It’s a long story!). I have a Sikh friend who was an ex employee that I had to make redundant early this year because we had to make cuts and his lack of experience went against him sadly. It was the most upsetting thing I’ve ever had to do. Thank God he is still in contact because he’s a smashing fella and I hope he succeeds in life. We used to have long conversations about his religion and would joke about his turban. He could take a joke and give it back with interest, as can most reasonable people including the dear old Irish, Scots, Welsh, Scousers (bastards!) and Brummies. It’s what is so great about living in this brilliant country of ours.

    When Anton Du Beke called his dance partner a ‘Paki’ he didn’t mean it as an insult. If we screamed the racist card every time the Aussies called us Pommie bastards they’d laugh at us, do it all the more and rightly so! The Irish don’t take offence when we refer to them as Paddies. The Scots don’t mind when we call them Jocks. And Scousers nod their heads approvingly when we call them uneducated, hubcap stealing, monosyllabic morons. But when a dictatorship tries to challenge our democracy we all join up to fight against them and teach them what it’s really like to live together in a free World.

    The leader of the BNP has some reasonable ideas in amongst his manifesto but it doesn’t alter the fact that he is pure evil. The old saying ‘I may not agree with your views but I will fight to the death to defend your right to say them’ was made with him in mind. We are not stupid. His like would never get elected and the people rioting outside the BBC played right into his hands.
