Thursday, October 01, 2009

Spud spouse swap shock!

Whilst I may have the odd debauched, pervy thought about Heidi (Sugababes), Marg Helgenberger, Jane Seymour, Margaret Thatcher (whaaaat?!?), Christine Bleakley et al, there really is only one woman in the world I would consider swapping my wife for……Sherie Plumb….and then only for a single growing season! Hopefully that way I’d be as good as her at growing spuds by the end of the season. The NVS has produced a DVD showing her 2007 growing season and it is quite an eye opener to see her dedication and the lengths she goes to in order to present the perfect platter of spuds.

For instance, she washes all her seed spuds and discards all those that have blemishes so as not to risk introducing any disease onto her plot. The feed she puts in seems an awful lot but then again she is the queen of spuds. 4 buckets of sieved peat with 16oz each of calcified seaweed and Vitax Q4, all well mixed. And that lot only does about 3 polybags!!! Winston only gets 12oz of each as these tend to get too big otherwise.

It was quite interesting also to see how quickly she cleans her spuds for the bench. They seem to take no more than 30-45 seconds or so. I've just done my first set of 5 Winston for Sturton at the weekend and it's taken me a good half hour and I'm still not happy with them. At this time of the season they seem to have a dirty sheen to them which takes some getting off. I need guidance. Waddya say Sherie? I'm not a bad bloke really!

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