Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Better quality shallots

Earlier this year I managed to get 12 of National Champion Dave Thornton's shallots (He fought like a bugger but I managed to get them off him eventually).
I grew them on this season alongside my own retained stock and the difference between them was quite striking. Whilst my own 'seed' actually grew bigger the shape was all over the place, so I have now totally discarded these to the kitchen pot.
I now have about 30 bulbs from the Thornton strain for replanting next season. The best of these have bought me 5 wins in the shallot classes this season (including this one at Sturton last weekend), which is amazing considering that prior to that I'd only ever won a total of 9 shows with shallots in 13 previous years. I didn't get them to grow huge, but they were classically 'flask' shaped with nice flat bottoms. Next season I will give them a more favourable planting position alongside one of my raised onions beds in the hope of getting bigger specimens.

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