Friday, September 18, 2009


I was chuffed to win the class for '6 onions, to weigh no more than 3lbs total' class at Littleover.....basically 8oz onions. I'm intending to enter my best set of 5 at the NVS Branch Championships at Malvern and another set of 5 in the Malvern Championships. I've always thought my onions would have competed in the past...or at least not been out of now is the time to put up or shut up and have a go at an altogether higher level.

The variety is Vento and I have 20 or so bulbs all the same diameter.....but you just try and get a matching set. Some are flat bottomed, some are more 'globey', some are darker and some have totally different patterns to the lines that travel down the bulb. And then of course you have the odd little inevitable blemish or spot that just niggles away and stops a good set being a perfect set.

This Wednesday evening I shall get all my bulbs on the kitchen table (no stupid remarks please Unsworth!) and select my best sets. I've noticed that some are wrinkling but having found an old Medwyn article I soaked one in hot water for a couple of minutes and the wrinkles have markedly improved. I shall take off the old raffia ties and re-tie them all neatly and make sure the tops are cut straight and clean.
I also have a box of Tasco that I lifted late and haven't used anywhere yet. These have been drying in sawdust and I had a quick look at them last weekend and they look promising also. These may yet come into the reckoning.

Then it's off to Malvern. I hope they don't look too out of place in amongst my heroes!


  1. I wouldn't dream of leaving a stupid comment about your quest to compete with the big boys at Malvern.
    I genuinely wish you every success at the show.
    And I really hope you do manage to get all the wrinkles out of your bulbs in time for the show.
    Good Luck !

  2. I meant no stupid comments about 'getting my bulbs out on the table' !!!

    Crikey....for once I was too filthy even for you ! LOL

    Thanks for the words of encouragemnt Dan....see you in 3 weeks time. Make sure the kettle's on!!!

  3. I know,that "bulbs on the table" one was just too easy,I just thought I'd give you some advice on your "Wrinkly Bulb" problem however.
    Don't try Botox.
    I tried it last year and after treatment my scrotum looked like a Spacehopper.
