Saturday, September 26, 2009

Down but not out

As expected I didn't move any mountains at Malvern. I got a 3rd place in the Malvern Championships side for my trug (out of 3!) and 3rd out of 4 entries in the collection of onions. I picked up 2nd place in the novice class (out of 7 entries) in the NVS Midland Branch Championships with a set of 6 tomatoes, so I guess that counts as a start!

I got to the venue just after 5am having travelled down just after midnight and kipping in the car for a couple of hours just outside Malvern. Walking into the tent and seeing the likes of Allan Young, Andrew Jones and Sherie Plumb doing what they do best was a bit nerve racking and I nearly walked out when I saw the quality of some of the exhibits, but I snapped out of it and managed to stage my dozen or so entries, starting with two vases of dahlias to calm me down a bit. And know what? I was far from being disgraced. My 8oz onions and tomatoes in the main classes, despite not getting anywhere were certainly not out of place in such grand company.

Having done my staging and after a quick cuppa in the car I then walked the Malvern ridge in superb weather with amazing views in all directions. Until 8am I more or less had the hills to myself. After a quick trot round the RHS flower hall where there is another amazing Medwyn display I went to see the fruits (or otherwise)of my labour in the Harvest Pavillion. I'm now reassured that I can compete at this level. I certainly have the dedication, it's just the time needed to get my exhibits to the next level, not easy when you work full time and are competing against retired guys absolutely at the top of their game. I shall certainly be back next year older, wiser and hopefully a bit better.


  1. kev broxholmeSeptember 27, 2009

    congratulations. an experience not to be missed. trust malvern will now be an annual event for you as an exhibitor as is harrogate now for me and my dahlias.
    hope to see you at sturton on saturday. hope you have some dahlias to exhibit in particular marys jomanda.

  2. What was that song Labour used last election, "Things can only get better", well I am sure it will for you next year, but I'm not so sure about Gordons mob.

  3. Kev,

    I shall certainly be at Sturton and all being well I shall be able to stage a few vases of dahlias....including Mary's Jomanda. And Malvern is now going to be an annual event for me.....not least because you get free entry to the show which makes it well worth the effort.

    Gordon Brown is a git! LOL

    Cheers both


  4. It was good to meet you at malven after following your blog all year.hope to show there myself next year.The race is on for the first red card.(i wish)I think you should be amoung the cards from the NVS for promoting growing and showing.Maybe too controversial for some but bloody funny

  5. Well hello Mark,

    Thanks for the kind words. Just goes to show that not all Liverpool fans are complete wankers ! LOL

    Seriously, if this blog was just about growing for showing no twat would read it except arseholes like gotta have a laugh along the way and if people don't like some of my views there's a little 'cross' in the top right hand corner! LOL

    Keep in touch Marfk.


  6. Marfk?

    Sorry MARK!

    You're not the only one who cannot type when pissed LOL

  7. ....and I look forward to seeing you at Malvern next only we could get Liam (veg4show) and Dan (allotment diary) to show as well.....we could be the new kids on the block! LOL
