Sunday, August 23, 2009

Taking the bad with the smooth

My outdoor cherry toms have been decimated by blight. There's a lot of fruit but I don't know if they will hold until the shows.

My cabbages have been a waste of time. Despite being netted cabbage whites still got in when I was suffering from swine flu. However, all may not be totally Sutton Bonington we have a fun class for 'laciest brassica' !!!

My 'Pinnacle' parsnip foliage seemed to start looking sickly 3 weeks ago. Furtling around the crowns it would appear that the shoulders are nowhere as big as last season's specimens.

My large onions have been one monumental disaster. Not being able to get them from my usual source I acquired some from a guy who advertises in Garden News. I have 3 about a pound if I'm lucky and the rest have been all shapes and sizes. These have also succumbed to white rot.....but with yearly applications of Basamid I do seem to be beating this disease slowly.

The veg garden has started to look very tired. I really need to keep getting plenty of muck dug into the beds during the autumn, to give my soil a bit more 'oomph'.

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