Sunday, August 23, 2009

Pointing of vegetables

I've been asked a question about the pointing of vegetables. This can be a confusing issue to the novice but needn't be.

The first thing you need to know is that there are two pointing systems that judges can apply, either RHS rules or NVS rules. There are subtle differences between the two but for most village shows I think it's fair to say RHS rules will dominate.

There are some veg that are deemed worthy of 20 points as these are considered the 'top veg' that are the most difficult to grow. These are:

Long carrots
Trench Celery
Long leeks
Pot leeks
Onions (over 8oz)

These are the ones that most showmen will choose from when compiling collections but if they're struggling with the quality of one of their 'dishes' they may well turn to one of the 18 pointers such as aubergines (rarely), long beet, stump carrots, cucumbers (indoor type), and shallots

In truth you only need to worry about the points value of veg when you're making up a collection. When judging individual classes a judge will be comparing your dish against all the others and it's rare for them to go to the bother of pointing each dish. Instead they will have in mind the attributes that make up a good 'dish'. (p.s. this is just a term and not all veg are actually displayed on dishes!)

For instance, consider long carrots. The 20 points are broken up as follows:

Condition 6 points
Size & shape 4 points
Colour 5 points
Uniformity 5 points

The important thing for all novices to realise is that size only warrants a fifth of the total points available. The overall quality takes up the other 16 with condition being the most important consideration. As I said there are some subtle differences in the NVS rules but I think their philosophy is much the same.....quality counts!

I'd advise novices to get hold of the RHS's 'Horticultural Show Handbook' ISBN 0-906603-73-0.

Some 15 pointer veg include broad beans, french beans, globe beet, cabbage, capsicums, outdoor cucumbers, lettuce, marrows, squashes, 8oz onions and sweetcorn.

If you start to show at NVS level beware as some collections call for 20 pointer veg only. I'm sure the NVS boys will put me right but I'm not sure if tomatoes have been downgraded to 18 points and exhibition shallots upgraded to 20 points under NVS rules.

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