Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Nightmare and reality?

At this time of year I always have the same dream. It's show day. I'm outside the marquee. I haven't yet staged my stuff and I'm panicking.

For some strange reason I haven't yet fathomed out my garden is about 20 yards from the marquee. I start to extract my carrots from the sand beds to find forked or split carrots. Choice swear words are uttered. I rush into the marquee to stage a few entries and suddenly realise I have left my spuds, shallots and marrows at home. The entries already staged in those classes are very poor and I realise I can win them. There's a couple of minutes left of staging time so I rush out of the marquee with the intention of rounding up the missing veg. Except now my garden is about 20 f***ing miles away!

I always wake up in a cold sweat !!!

If I want to make sure the real show day doesn't become a nightmare there are many things I need to be doing in the run up to the day......

  1. Make sure top tray boards are clean and in a fit state of repair. (I gave them a coat of matt black paint last night). Similarly with bean and pea boards.
  2. Sieve enough dry sand for displaying onions and shallots on. Some growers use vermiculite but I favour sand.
  3. Tie onions and shallot tops and store in sets ready to load the night before. I put each set in a labelled box.
  4. Measure runner and french beans daily. Pick when they get to your desired length and store in a cool place wrapped in a damp towel.
  5. Protect cu's and marrows against marking from the coarse foliage. I use sheets of thick polystyrene.
  6. Pick beetroot a couple of days before the show. Wash and store in a bucket of salty water. (more on this later in the week).
  7. Post your entries in plenty of time if the show requests this. Read and double check the schedule.
  8. Check flower carrying devices are maintained and ready to go.
  9. Buy paper plates and florist's foam.
  10. Remember to fondle your wife every now and then to make them realise you haven't totally forgotten them.
  11. Keep calm!


  1. Simon - After the slagging you have given my lovely wife you perhaps want to add into your nightmare that an irate Scottish Women Potato Grower is barring your way into the marquee and throwing her limited number(9) of potatoes at you!!!!!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Assuming she took about 5 spuds to get her eye in that leaves 4 to hit me with......and if they're as big as you mentioned they aint gonna hurt much are they? LOL

    Now...if it was one of the other ladies who grew 30-odd spuds in one bag....yikes!
