Monday, August 31, 2009

Leicester 2009

9 firsts at Leicester today including wins in all 3 of the potato classes which has pleased me no end. All my fellow exhibitors were saying how they'd been affected by blight but I've been lucky this season and escaped it on my spuds.

Fellow grower Terry Leach was really on form at this show winning best in show with 3 superb leeks, and I had to be content with 2nd to him in the collection of 6 veg class. But I did manage other wins for pickling shallots, marrows, a basket of veg (prepared by my good lady Leesa....more on this in a later posting!) and these parsnips. They weren't quite up to last year's standard.


  1. Cracking Parsnips.
    Does Swine Flu make 'yer legs shrink ??

  2.'s the spasticated way my wife insists I stand when she's photographing me! ....honest!

  3. Congrats, Looks like you did very well Simon, cracking set of marrows there. Look forward to seeing the rest.

  4. You do look quite short dad!! xx
    p.s. I'm being nice and not typing the comments from Melissa, Ian and Steve!!
